Jim & Trudy Adams Recommendation

We are the parents of Ray Adams. We highly recommend Ray and Heidi Adams for adoption of a child. Both are highly respected individuals in the community and in our family. They are responsible, productive adults who have a strong sense of Christian family values. Their priorities have always been to put family first. In the workplace, they have the highest integrity, and have excelled in every position they have had. As leaders in their church, they have given dedicated service for many years, and have been a strong influence for good to the youth. As pet owners, they have responsibly and lovingly cared for their dog, Ruby.

Ray and Heidi have always been a favorite aunt and uncle. They have taught our 10 grandchildren many valuable lessons as they have taken their turn to teach Family Home Evening. They have also been playful and loving with the grandchildren, remembering birthdays, taking interest in important events, and providing support and reinforcement to what their parents want them to do. They are kind, and generous, always willing to step in when needed to provide an extra pair of hands, or provide support and assistance in any way they can to help family and friends.

As parents, we know that Ray and Heidi will teach their child by precept and example. We are confident that they will be loving, responsible parents. Based on our observations with nieces and nephews, it is our opinion that they will be unified and consistent with their parenting.
We feel that Ray and Heidi Adams are an excellent choice for placement of a child in their home. If you would like further information, please feel free to contact us.

Jim and Trudy Adams - jtk6plus@msn.com